Advanced Driver Training

Have you ever wondered about taking your driving skills to a whole new level?

That’s where advanced driving comes into play.

Here at Performance Driving Australia, we kick off advanced driver training with the basics of vehicle handling and defensive driving.

Once you’ve got those skills down pat, you can dive into the exciting world of advanced driver training.

Think operational driving, off-road adventures, tactical manoeuvres, stunt driving, and even a dash of motorsport if you’re feeling daring.

We’re all about giving you the experience and knowledge to handle your vehicle like a pro, even in those extreme conditions or tricky scenarios.


Advanced driver training isn’t just a one-size-fits-all deal.

There are a ton of factors to consider when creating and delivering a course.

That’s why we’re here to chat – to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need.

Our advanced driving courses can span multiple days or sessions, and you can choose to come to our sites or we can bring the learning straight to you.

Got a hankering for some advanced driver training?

Give us a shout. We’re all ears and would love to dive into the nitty-gritty of what you’re after.


If you’re curious about the kind of programs we offer, here’s a taste:

  • Country Driving Programs: Get comfy with handling your vehicle at country road speeds. We’re talking gravel roads, highway maneuvers, and trip planning. Perfect for those navigating regional Australia.

  • Operational Driving (High Speed): For those who know their way around lights and sirens or handle high-risk situations. Think surveillance and covert operations – we’ve got a team with serious experience, including ex-Police driver trainers.

  • Tactical Driving (Security/Executive Protection): Keeping your VIPs safe is the name of the game. This one’s all about theory and practical skills to ensure you’re on top of your protection game.

  • Motorsport Coaching: Ready to take your performance up a notch? Our team of ex-champs can help you harness your inner racing star.

  • TV and Production Driving: Lights, camera, action! If you’re in need of drivers for film and TV, we’ve got your back with experienced pros who can handle the spotlight.

Our crew brings a mix of competitive driving experience – some have even played on the world stage. Plus, we’ve got trainers with a background in government agencies and law enforcement, both locally and internationally.

When it comes to high-risk or high-performance driving, we’re your go-to team.

Ready to make the leap into advanced driving? Let’s craft a program that’s just right for you. Drop us a line, and let’s get this show on the road.

Contact us today and get your wheels turning!

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