Do you know these road rules?

Australian road rules very from state to state – so we have based the fines below on NSW – one of the toughest states for fines in Australia.

HONKING AND WAVING – Tooting the horn and wave goodbye to family and friends could put you a risk of two traffic tickets, “unnecessary use of horn or warning device” is a $349 ticket and zero demerit points in NSW and waving with your hands or arms out the window is another $349 fine, with zero points for passengers and three points for the driver.

FLYING BANNANAS – Throw an apple core or banana peel from a car: $450 and no points – Even though you may think its environmentally ok – it is still deemed as littering from a vehicle – that is one expensive Bannana!

WINDOW DOWN – Did you know that leaving a window down will attract a fine? In fact PDA Managing Director was fined for this ‘offence’ when he parked a car out the front of his office a few years ago with the window partly down. Your vehicle must be secured when left unattended. $112 Fine in NSW

HORSE PLAY – If a rider of a horse signals that the horse is agitated – a passing driver must stop at the side of the road and turn their engine off according to The Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland.

DOGGO SAFETY – Make sure your furry friend is restrained and not on your lap.The offence could see you slugged three demerit points and $425 (or more if caught in a school zone). Further to that, the RSPCA can also issue fines if an animal is injured because it was unrestrained, with owners facing up to six months’ jail and fines of up to $5500.

There are many more road rules that drivers are either unaware of or fail to acknowledge so it is essential that you drive defensively at all times to stay safe and if in doubt – check with your local authorities for rule updates.

Look up – Keep a distance – Drive Safely

Pink in Lamborghini
Its ok for your doggo to sleep in the car – but if its driving – make sure they are safe and restrained correctly.