On Road – Low Risk Driving

At Performance Driving Australia, we empower you to become a safer driver through our comprehensive On-Road Low-Risk Driving Programs.

By training on the road, we equip you with essential low-risk defensive driving skills that can be customised to include tactical driving, off-road operations like gravel driving, and towing.

Alaternatively, our venue based Defensive Driver Training programs offer a secure environment for practicing emergency braking and hazard avoidance.

Both our venue-based Defensive Driver Training and On-Road Low-Risk Driving programs are highly effective.

To gain a comprehensive skillset for managing your vehicle in various situations, we recommend considering both programs.

Explore our range of Low-Risk Driving programs, including:

    1. Driver Assessments for pre-employment or routine checks.
    2. Driver Coaching/Training, offering on-road tips and guidance.
    3. High-Risk Operations support for drivers working in challenging environments.
    4. Gravel Driving expertise.
    5. 4WD Operations training.
    6. Towing skills development.

Our On-Road Low-Risk Driving Program consists of three key components:

    1. Observation: We observe your driving in your everyday working environment.
    2. Coaching: Our trainers provide hands-on coaching to help you apply defensive driving techniques, including emergency stops.
    3. Assessment: We assess your driving against our corporate driver standards, providing the results to your employer or supervisor for review.

Typically, each program lasts 30-90 minutes per driver. Upon completion, you’ll be well-prepared to apply safe driving techniques in diverse scenarios. Our on-road training is suitable for all drivers and vehicle types.

For a comprehensive training solution, many organisations choose to combine our Defensive Driving course with our On-Road Low-Risk Driving Program.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our programs and enhance your driving skills.


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